In 2013 we started a food distribution centre supported by the BurngreaveFoodbank in Sheffield.
The opening times here in Darnall are every Tuesday and Thursday 1.00pm-3.00pm.
Food is given without charge through an electronic voucher which is provided through the referral organisations who are signed up with Burngreave Foodbank.
The food is in tinned or packet form and is a short-term emergency response for those in crisis in the Sheffield 9 area (Darnall and Tinsley).
The Darnall centre works in partnership with the Burngreave Foodbank whose opening times are also 1.00 -3.00 p.m. but they are open every Wednesday and Friday. People who have been issued a voucher for the Burngreave Foodbank or the Darnall centre will be able to get food at either centre on the days they are open.