Sunday Mornings at Living Waters
Our service on Sunday mornings is seen as a time of celebration where everyone is welcome. It is a place for young and old to get together and away from the hustle and bustle of the week.
We meet at 10.30 every week with a welcome and a brief chat. We begin by a short prayer or word from the bible to focus us on why we are here and who we come to worship.
Our songs are prepared by our worship leader and played on piano and drums. During our worship people can pray openly whilst others may wish to quietly sit and listen.
After a number of songs we have our notices. This is a distinct time open for anyone to share the good things that have happened and church members may speak about the things coming up in the week ahead. We will give an opportunity for anyone who wants to give thanks or to receive prayer from our fellowship for anything.
Before our speaker starts to share thoughts from the word of God our young people go out for their time together.
We run a separate programme of teaching for children and young people. All children’s workers are DBS checked in accordance with our safeguarding policy.
The word of God is shared by our pastor or occasionally by a visiting speaker. The message is usually recorded for those away to listen to later.
We close with a final song together and a prayer. It can be a time where those who need ministry can receive prayer.
Refreshments are available at the end of the service. This provides an opportunity to stay for a while to chat and get to know people.
We finish around 12.00. We would love you to join us.
If you have any questions about our service you can, contact us via our contact page.